
Attachment Symptom Checklist for Children

From Attachment, Trauma, and Healing. Understanding and Treating Attachment Disorder in Children and Families,
by Terry M. Levy & Michael Orlans


These are rated on a scale of None - Mild - Moderate - Severe

  1. Unable to give and receive love
  2. Lack of impulse control
  3. Self-destructive behaviors
  4. Aggression toward others
  5. Consistently irresponsible
  6. Inappropriately demanding and clingy
  7. Steals
  8. Deceitful (lying, conning)
  9. Hoards food
  10. Inappropriate sexual conduct and attitudes
  11. Cruelty to animals
  12. Sleep disturbances - e.g., difficulty getting to sleep, tossing, turning & talking in sleep, night wandering
  13. Enuresis and encopresis - e.g. refusing to use toilet, smearing poop, wetting or pooping in pants to express anger
  14. Frequently defies rules (oppositional)
  15. Hyperactivity
  16. Abnormal eating habits - e.g. eats slowly one day, gulps the next, continuous eating
  17. Preoccupation with fire, gore, or evil
  18. Persistent nonsense questions and incessant chatter
  19. Poor hygiene
  20. Lack of cause and effect thinking
  21. Learning disorders
  22. Language disorders
  23. Perceives self as a victim (helpless)
  24. Grandiose sense of self-importance
  25. Not affectionate on parents' terms
  26. Intense displays of anger (rage)
  27. Frequently sad, depressed, or helpless
  28. Inappropriate emotional responses - e.g. laughing when people get shot on TV, unable to show sadness, extreme fright at inexplicable triggers
  29. Marked mood changes
  30. Superficially engaging and charming
  31. Lack of eye contact for closeness
  32. Indiscriminately affectionate with strangers
  33. Lack of or unstable peer relationships
  34. Blames others for own mistakes and problems
  35. Victimizes others (perpetrator, bully)
  36. Victimized by others - i.e., sets self up
  37. Lacks trust in others
  38. Exploitative, manipulative, controlling, and bossy
  39. Chronic body tension
  40. Accident prone
  41. High pain tolerance/overreaction to minor injury
  42. Tactilely defensive - can't tolerate light touch